Come and Sing Haydn’s Creation

Come and Sing Haydn’s Creation

On Saturday 16th January 2016 we held a Come and Sing event for Haydn’s oratorio ‘Creation’, and invited Brian Kay to rehearse us and conduct the performance. Over 100 singers took part, and judging from the number who brought their own copies, many...
Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo

Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo

On Sunday 14th June 2015 there was a barbecue, after which the choir performed Joseph Horovitz’s evergreen children’s cantata to an enthusiastic audience. Jonathan Haswell and Peter Stanford took the key roles of God and Noah, and there were cameo roles...

Singer’s Workshop

On Saturday 11th October 2014 at 11 o’clock the junior members of All Saints’ Choir arrived for the first session of what proved to be an exciting and inspiring day working with JAN COXWELL a highly experienced singer, teacher and conductor who for many...