Life Events
As we travel through life we all mark milestones along the way. It could be committing a child to God in a service of baptism, making heartfelt vows on our wedding day, or coming together with family and friends to mark the end of the life of a loved one.
These ceremonies are an opportunity for us to join with God, throughout our path in life.
A Commitment to God
We warmly welcome candidates for baptism of all ages. Baptisms take place at either our main Sunday morning 10am service or the Late Service at 12 noon. Preparation for baptism is given by Fr Alex who is very happy to answer all enquiries about baptism.
In the case of younger candidates and their families we hope they feel encouraged to come and join some of our services and activities for younger members of the congregation.
Service & Preparation
If you would like to get married at All Saints we will do all we can to ensure your wedding day is a very happy one and that your marriage begins on the firmest of foundations. You will be invited to make your solemn promises to each other, not only in front of your family and friends but in the sight of God and with God’s blessing.
We will help you to prepare carefully for your marriage, both with the logistics as well as emotionally and spiritually. You will be invited to a marriage preparation evening where we will discuss some of the dynamics of getting married. Each couple is also seen on a number of occasions prior to the wedding by the priest taking the service.
Funerals & memorials
Giving Thanks for a Life
To arrange a funeral at All Saints Church or at the crematorium contact us as soon as possible by clicking on the button below.
We can also arrange memorial services.
You can also find details of all the relevant fees here.